I've noticed a lot of Themes since I've been in GI... Last transfer we had a week that I liked to think of as "Retired Millitary Vet week." We had been teaching Boyd Donaldson, and Mark Morgan around the same time, and they both had some of the same concerns. Last week was "Lost sheep week," where we kept finding people who had been baptized members of the church but didn't have records in the area. Seriously, there were like 5. THIS week was "Investigators who don't speak English week." Yeah, it's funny how Heavenly Father sends people in groups to spice things up! =).... Anyway, like I said before, we were teaching a lot of people from Sudan, and it's been awesome. We found 2 more, and they are set for baptism! Najwa and Nychai. Najwa is a beautiful sudanese mom. When we met her, she immediately told us to come in and "have sit." She didn't speak much english at all, but she walked into her kitchen, and came out with a tray full of water bottles for us. (Sudanese women always bring drinks out on trays... I don't know why, but it's sweet!) We couldn't really communicate with her, so we brought our friend Thompson Abhon with us the next time, to translate. He's awesome, he's sudanese, and was baptized in San Diego about a year ago. We didn't know who he was but decided randomly to check on him last week, and found him, and he had no idea where the church was and is so excited to be going back and helping with missionary work! GOOD TIMING, HUH? He's become our golden team-up, because neither Nychai or Najwa speak english. But it's been really neat to teach with a translater. It allows time for the spirit to sink in and communicate with us while he's translating... pretty cool. We also have been continuing to teach Darlene and Denis. Denis speaks mostly spanish, so we team taught with the Spanish Elders yesterday. The attended church! Darlene felt good when she was there, so that's awesome! She is picky about church so that was a relief. Anyway, this week was mildly confusing, but really amazing!
Anna Mcculla was baptized on Saturday. That was a great day! She has been set since I've been here. Her original date was in July, but she got a little scared. We were excited to be a part of that this past weekend.
Michelle is doing amazingly, as usual! We're praying really hard that she will get to be baptized sooner. She is ready, there are just things standing in the way, and we're worried that the wait will create a little bit of a gateway for satan to wreck it all. BUT, she's praying about some things, and I think it will all work out the way it needs to.
I just love the Kunz's.... They really love us missionaries so much. I was really sad when I left Omaha, because I knew I'd be far away from everyone, especially them, but I have not felt any less love from them than I did before. President keeps in touch with us all the time, and I Know he thinks about me, just like Mom and Dad do. It's pretty cool.
The State fair, for whatever reason, is in Grand Island this year, about 1/4 mile from our apartment. It's pretty exciting! we get to go today... we got free tickets from Darlene. Apparently Heart played last night there, so that's exciting. I could hear them when we came in for the night. Bekah would be so happy for me! =) But I'm excited for the fair... mostly the petting zoo... ;)
WELL, I think that's all I can remember from this week. I keep forgetting to bring my journal with me.... but that was basically it! =) I feel like a missionary and it's GREAT! I love you all! keep the letters coming! =)
Sister Bonelli