Sunday, January 2, 2011

October 18th Email

So, there are several things that I've meant to mention every week in my email, but forgotten about... so these are mainly old news... but here you go!
*The missionary dresscode for sisters has changed dramatically! They updated the pictures for people's call booklets, so now all the outfits are cute. Skirts no longer have to be mid-calf, they just have to be below the knee when sitting down. ALSO, my favorite new rule... Nylons are only required at Church, The Temple, and at the Trail Center! WOOOOO. Makes me so happy. Also, we don't have to wear blazers either. We can wear cardigans now! =)... Of course, we can continue to wear all of those things if we want to, but we don't have to. They are also embracing color... which is super great, but our mission was a little more relaxed about that anyway.... I'm obviously not considering changing my skirt length... it took way too long to find all of those skirts...
*I'm driving now... I'm junior companion, but Sister Stanger isn't driving... long story... SO, after 6 months of being a "co-driver," I am now driving a mission car... pray for me. ;)
*Beverly Delaney and her husband were at the trail center a few weeks ago! Someone called the trail center, and asked Sister Brady when I was going to be in next, and said they would be there. She didn't know who it was, but 2 weeks later Sister Baker, who used to live in Moval, but now lives in Omaha (Who I've seen since I've been out), showed up and told me it was the Delaneys. It was so good to see them! =) I got to take them and their family on tour and it was lots of fun! =)
Okay, now for this past week. I went on exchanges in Lincoln with one of my favorite sisters, Sister Bauer. She's amazing! I learned so much from her, and I got to work with YSAs, whom I love! We had a neat experience. It was their district meeting, so I went with her. They are doing this new district meeting thing, where they are longer, and more focused on the spirit, not business. So her district leader had us do a roleplay that was really neat. He demonstrated, and said he was thinking of real concerns that he personally had, that he was going to share with us, and have another elder try to help him resolve the concern. So they stood up, and The one elder, very emotionally, shared his concern. There was a long pause, and then the other elder shared a scripture and said exactly what he needed to hear. Spirit was what I like to call, "IN YO FACE."... It was neat. So then they had each companionship go into a seperate room and do the same. Sister Bauer and I had a really neat experience together, and she really helped me with my concerns, and I helped her with hers. Super neat.
I got to go to the temple for the first time in 3 months! It was really great! I just love our little temple. Our zone took the transfer van up to the temple, so we could save miles, so it was fun bonding with everyone. Elder Osmond is one of our Zone leaders. I love to point out that he is an osmond, because I know that he gets it all the time... so he knows I'm just being a brat. Plus, I know more about the Osmonds than most people my age, thanks to mom! I very solemnly began singing "He's my brother" to him, and he looked like he was going to have a heart attack! At first he was super annoyed, but then he started singing the rest of it. He's great! he's a really great missionary though, so I love to give him a hard time. I mentioned that one time mom made me watch a big Osmond special a few years ago, and he was like, "Did you see me!? I was there!"... He is more proud of his osmond-hood than he likes to admit.
Our investigator, Stewart, Is a dialysis patient, so he does dialysis 3 times a week. He's really hard to catch, so we decided to start teaching him when he's having dialysis and can't go anywhere. He told us we could, so it's rather convenient! =)
I don't remember if I ever mentioned it, but after I got here, Darlene got baptized! Sister Mortensen sent me a picture of the baptism. She's doing so well! The day she was confirmed she paid her tithing! She's a rock star.
This week has been a good one, and I'm excited for the coming one. Although... it's starting to get cold. I'm a little nervous. Wish me luck! I love you all!
Sister Bonelli

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