Sunday, August 14, 2011

July 6th Email

WELL.... it's officially my last transfer as a missionary. It hasn't quite hit me a hundred percent yet... I'm possibly in denial. YIKES. Also, Transfer calls this morning were a little shocking an overwhelming. Sister Myers and I are staying together, which is no surprise, BUT I have been called as the new Trail Center Trainer! AHHH! That basically means that I give trainings every saturday morning to the sisters and senior couples at the trail center. There are 3 of us that do that. Sister Larsen, my MTC comp, and Sister Minert are the other 2. We also handle things like the TC schedule and plan out exchanges, and we get to go to the Zone Leader Council and receive really cool trainings from President Kunz. SO... this is pretty awesome. Daunting... but awesome. I'm actually a bit stressed about it... I don't like more responsibility than nessecary. haha.
Aside from that, The week went pretty well! 4th of July was nice. We had a nice dinner at the Hall's house.They made awesome kabobs for us! They had our investigator Heidi over after, and we had an amazng lesson with her. That family has such a powerful spirit about them. Of course, just like last year, everyone and their mom lit fireworks all week, ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT. So it was a bit exhausting. I secretly enjoyed walking past people's driveways and having fireworks almost blow my hair off.
I took some neat tours. On Sunday, a guy came in, who was really into Mormon history. He said right off the bat that he grew up with missionaries coming over to their house, and so he was somewhat familiar with us. He was SUPER nice and so I was excited to be all missionary-like with him. After I pulled him out of the pioneer film, we started on tour and got talking about Christ, and he actually turned out to be athieist. I was not expecting that. He was the nicest atheist I'd ever met. Anyway, We went around the gallery, and he was super open and asked lots of great questions. At the end, we went down to look at our amazing statues of Christ, and I bore my testimony to him. I said something along the lines of "I know that you don't believe in God, but I know he's there, and that he loves you. I know that missionaries have stopped by your mom's house because God was leading them there. I've been one of those missionaries. I know you don' t believe, but I would like to invite you to learn more about why we do." He wrote down his name and info, and missionaries are being sent there. I don't know why he decided to let them come. My guess is he's not completely satisfied with his life right now... but He's on his way to finding something great.
Other cool experience. So there's this guy Clay. He's a photographer. He went to Florence Days with us and took all of these cool pictures of us solely because of curiosity. He's sort of become our little trail center friend. He comes in often to meet with Elder Watson and chat with him about the gospel, and he finally agreed to be taught. Sister Myers is the one who originally took him on tour, so we've been assigned to teach him for some reason, instead of whoever is in his area. We taught him yesterday at the trail center. The spirit was SO strong. We talked about the Plan of Salvation. I felt like we weren't really teaching, more just talking with a friend about something he needs. It was neat. I hope he felt the difference as strongly as I did.
I've had grand experiences. I've loved it. I'm grateful to have the gospel in my life, and that I get to share it.

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