Sunday, August 14, 2011

June 28th Email

Hola Familia!
It's been a pretty good week! Saturday We got to go into Council Bluffs, IA and search for people from their ward list in the areas where the flood hasn't hit yet. They were all lost sheep that no one knew anything about. It was neat to go and do that. We were responsible for finding out if they had any place to evacuate to, if they needed help moving things out of their houses, and some other things to keep everyone safe. I've learned a lot about how much wards actually do to take care of the people in the areas. It's neat to see it behind the scenes.
We have had some CRAZY storm action happening here. Sunday night we were getting ready to head home, and out of nowhere the sky turned completely black! Usually at that time, it's still light. It doesn't get dark until like 10. Anyway, then sheets of rain started pouring down, and it was impossible to see. We had to get off of the interstate in Ralston and then we drove to President's house, so we could plan for the next day. Then OUT OF NOWHERE the sky turned like a yellow color. It was sooooo weird. Then we finally were able to drive home, and the thunder and lightning was insane. The lightening was lighting up the whole sky. It was like watching computer animated lightning. It was so cool. Nebraska is super intense.
I've had some awesome Trail Center moments. Last week I took a Catholic Priest and Deacon on tour. Father Mike and Deacon Jim. They were awesome! They asked all sorts of neat questions, and I got to know a lot about them, too. It was all very respectful. They were in town from Missouri working on Habitat for Humanity. I also have been able to really focus on helping people feel the spirit while they're here. I've had some really great moments with people. Yesterday 2 men came in. One had been a member for 40 years, and the other, his brother, had been a member for about 11 months. We got to talk a lot about how the gospel has moved us and I learned how the 11 monther ended up being baptized. Ther other man's son, who is a missionary at the Referral Center in Provo, contacted him, and taught him throught, and then 3 weeks later, he quit smoking and drinking coffee and stuff, and got baptized. It was so awesome! They were really neat, and then they referred their sister. I'm excited to call her and invite her to be taught by the missionaries.
We're teaching a woman named Jen Chambers. She is amazing. She's still trying to decide what to do, but her daughters are really involved in Achievement days and Young Women, and she is very involved in Relief society. Her older daughter, Madi, is working on her personal progress! AWESOME! I'm excited to see them grow.
I nearly hyperventilated the other day. I looked at our schedule and realized we only have about a week left in the transfer, and then after that I will only have 6 weeks. SO CRAZY. I'm not a fan of the lack of time... I know I'll be happy and excited to come home, and I am excited... but it's weird to think about. I've loved my mission so much.
I love you all. Keep me posted. You might want to start compiling movies and things so that I won't be totally out of the loop when I get home! haha. I love you
Sister Bonelli

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