Sunday, August 14, 2011

May 3rd Email

We had a little miracle this week. well, a big miracle. So, to back track.... before I came to Millard, I'd been on exchanges there several times, and each time was a really awful experience. I guess not the experience itself, but I just felt like I needed to NOT be there. It was weird. So when I found out I was coming to millard I was a little bit confused. Also, for the past few weeks, I've been trying to just understand why that was, and try to set it aside as well, because I know that I belong here right now. I'd been having a rough time trying to figure that out. In the mean time, Millard has been suffering. Not a whole lot has been happening, and we've been doing a lot of searching. I'm dead-set on making sure the area doesn't close! Anyway, last week, a member of the ward called us and told us that she wanted to set up an appointment with us to teach her friend Melissa, who wants to know how she can convert.... (um, yes please).... Yesterday we met her. It was kind of a funny experience. Sister Young (the member) picked us up because her house was super far into the area. She came and picked us up and drove us way into the middle of nowhere, and we eventually reached the Elkhorn River. After that we went up this windy road, and parked in the driveway of what looked like a castle. That was her house. CRAZY. Anyway, that's not important. So we walked into her Mansion, and met sweet little Melissa! She's a single mom, and Sister Young has been talking to her about the Gospel for about 2 years now. She gave her a set of scriptures and has conversations with her all the time. So Melissa, on her own eventually decided to pray and her hang up was that she didn't think there was a prophet. Well, she watched conference, and was deeply touched, and she said she KNEW that we had a prophet. She told us all of this up front, and that she wanted to know what she needed to do... so we set her for baptism before we even began the lesson! She's amazing! So awesome. So the point of the beginning of the story, is that I know that those bad feelings were just the adversary trying to keep me from doing what I needed to do. I've had little tidbits of this happen, where he attacked me right before something amazing. This one just happened to be a very long-lasting one, because Melissa and I were supposed to meet! crazy! I just love those things. It was also really neat to see how much Sister Young cared about her, and wanted this for her. She is so happy to see Melissa find happiness. Man... such a blessing to be a part of this.
Had a guy come into the Trail center the other day, who is 23 and preparing to go on his mission. He struggled with some health problems so he couldn't go earlier. We got talking, and it was really neat, because he was facing some struggles that I faced right before I left. It was like a perfect set up for us to meet, because I was able to share with him things that really helped me. At one point he teared up a bit. So cool.
I got my paperwork for my release the other day... I was not thrilled. Just FYI.
Our TC director, Elder Watson, is hilarious. He is very set on making sure we get to "SEE" Nebraska. So, he had it approved for us to go on Field Trips on pdays with our zones, and him of course. Last week we went to Boy's Town, which is a home for children and teens to learn how to get by in life, if they struggle with emotional things or come from rough backgrounds. There's a little museum there that talks about the history behind it, and a few landmarks. It's way cool. I've been there before, but this time I got to see a lot more. I don't know where we're going next, but I'm excited! They have these crazy statues downtown, that are of the pioneers. They are life size and it's as though a whole wagon train is walking downtown. I hope we go there soon.
Well, I love you all! write me soon! happy mother's day! I will be sending cards today, don't worry! ;)

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